Quantitative Tools for Qualitative Analysis

Workshop in London focusing on how to bridge the quantitative-qualitative divide in text analysis.

Quantitative Tools for Qualitative Analysis: Computational Social Science meets Discourse Analysis

November 15th, Alan Turing Institute in London, UK.

Workshop at European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science.

What does Computational Social Science (CSS) has to offer Discourse Analysis (DA) and vice versa? What research questions can be tackled with the help of CSS that have been difficult to address before? How do existing strategies benefit from using CSS tools, and what are their limits? What can practitioners of CSS learn from a DA-inspired reflection about their data and methods? The purpose with this full-day workshop is to discuss the potentials and pitfalls of combining Computational Social Science-assisted text analysis methods with Discourse Analysis. We welcome scholars from all fields of study and disciplines with an interest in CSS and DA to submit an extended abstract. Deadline for submissions October 15th.

For more information, see the workshop website.